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NameDescriptionMolecular FunctionCellular ComponentBiological Process
Delta-adaptin 3 Unclassified protein transporter activity,
protein binding
membrane coat,
Golgi membrane,
trans-Golgi network
vesicle-mediated transport,
intracellular protein transport,
positive regulation of NK T cell differentiation,
eye pigment biosynthetic process,
antigen processing and presentation, exogenous lipid antigen via MHC class Ib,
regulation of sequestering of zinc ion,
zinc ion transport
Delta-adaptin protein transporter activity,
protein binding
endoplasmic reticulum,
clathrin coated vesicle membrane,
Golgi stack,
Golgi-associated vesicle,
AP-3 adaptor complex
intracellular protein transport,
determination of adult lifespan,
Golgi to endosome transport,
compound eye pigmentation,
eye pigment granule organization,
ommochrome biosynthetic process,
lysosomal transport

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