- Featured paper:
"Phospho.ELM: a database of phosphorylation sites - update 2011"; Dinkel H, Chica C, Via A, Gould CM, Jensen LJ, Gibson TJ, Diella F. Nucleic Acids Res. 2010 Nov 9. PMID: 21062810
- Phospho.ELM version 9.0 (September 2010) contains 8,718 substrate proteins from different species covering 3,370 tyrosine, 31,754 serine and 7,449 threonine instances.
- Check out the
Phospho BLAST Search functionality which allows the user to submit a protein query to search against the curated dataset of phosphorylated peptides.
Follow the link on the side-bar.
- A prototype version of the Phospho.ELM database webservice and an example python client are available.
- The dataset is available upon request.
- Users are encouraged to supply missing phosphorylated proteins.
Please report any curation errors or other problems to: phospho@elm.eu.org.